


Maximize Your Yields: We offer a comprehensive selection of agrochemicals to protect your crops from pests, diseases, and weeds. Our experts can help you choose the right products for your specific needs, ensuring optimal crop health and increased yields. - Herbicides - Transmit -Glyphosate 41% SL, Hurricane- 2,4-D Amine 72% SL, Bravado-Metsulfuran Methyl 20 WDP Insecticides - Esiom Cypermethin + Acetamiprid 150 SL, Symbol 10 EC- Cypermethrin Fungicides - Funguran-OH-Copper hydroxide 50 WP, Calibre-Carbendazim 500 SC.

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Nourish Your Soil, Empower Your Growth: Our range of high-quality fertilizers provides essential nutrients for healthy plant development. We can guide you in selecting the right fertilizer blend to optimize soil health and maximize your crop's potential - NPK -various formulations MOP CRF-various formulations Micronutrients - Sodium Tetraborate

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Tractors & Farm Equipment

Power Your Productivity: We offer a wide variety of tractors and farm equipment to streamline your agricultural operations. Our selection caters to various farm sizes and budgets, ensuring you have the tools you need to work efficiently and effectively. - We sell tractors with capacities ranging from 55hp to 125hp

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Solar Energy Solutions

Sustainable Power for a Brighter Future: Harness the clean energy of the sun with our customized solar solutions. We design and install solar systems specifically tailored to your farm's energy needs, reducing your reliance on fossil fuels and lowering your operating costs.

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